Our Team

Our Team

The Renaissance Team believes in Exercise being the Pill for every ill.

The Gentle Gym Team are qualified in Sports and Exercise Science, Physiotherapy and Fitness. They are led and supported by service user stakeholders. This makes Renaissance Gentle Gym a Community-led Gym.

Brain child of a Physiotherapist

All clients with medical problems are initially assessed and prescribed the most suitable program for their needs.

Jack Kremer

A Sports Science and Exercise graduate from Brighton University with a passion for helping people stay healthy with exercises.

He runs the Lower limb classes which help people to strengthen and keep their hips and knees mobile.Jack loves to see people improving and will always encourage them to be the best version of themselves, both physically and mentally. When Jack isn’t working, he can normally be found around sports, he is a current rugby player at Ash RFC, whilst also enjoying football, cricket and fitness training in general


Karen has been in the fitness industry for many years.  Her greatest passion is to improve fitness and wellbeing for everyone regardless of age or ability.

She is qualified and has experience in running  Pilates Mat Work, Pilates in Older adults, Post and Pre-natal Pilates classes.

Chiedza Helen Madzokere


A former Consultant Allied Health Professional, she identified a gap in provision of suitable physical activity services for older people and people with mobility limiting health conditions. Driven by a Passion for Healthy Living she started the centre in 2012 with a vision to enable everyone (regardless of age or physical ability) to experience the health benefits associated with healthy lifestyles. 

Do you have any questions?

Contact us !